
To load or register a table in the SQL context from a delta source, use the register method. You can register tables from the delta source, load a specific version, or register a DataFrame or LazyFrame directly.

Register a table from a specific database in the delta source:

db.register(database="mydatabase", table="mytable")

db.register(..., alias="table")

You can assign an alias to the registered table within the SQL context for easier reference.

db.register(..., version=1)

Load a specific version of the table by specifying the version number.

db.register(..., data=...)

Register a DataFrame or LazyFrame directly instead of loading it from the Delta source.

db.register(..., pyarrow_options={"partitions": [("year", "=", "2021")]})

Use pyarrow_options to specify partition filters or other advanced options when loading the table.